countdown is on for all those Christmas presents to be finished–or
started! There were certain ones that I wanted to get done by the end
of November and I came running down the steps from my sewing room last
night with them all finished. You just don’t want to see my sewing room.
The kit arrived this week for Tavern House. I am so anxious to start
it. Now I can get started on Maggie’s new block of the month that we
gave you a preview of last month. The cotton over-dyed velvet is so
beautiful for the bird’s wings. Tonight after rug hooking, I will go
home and start tracing onto freezer paper–yeah! This wool wall hanging
will cost 45.00 per month for eight months. It is a 50″ x 52″ bed cover.
Saturday, December 8th from 10:00-3:00 will be a snowman ornament make
and take. The cost will be $5.00 and we will furnish all the wools and
embellishments. Come join in the fun. No pre-registration is necessary.
The Legacy quilt is all kitted and ready the first of January to start
the block of the month. The cost is $25.00 per month which includes the
finishing kit price. This is a 9 month block of the month and you will
have a beautiful quilt that does not look like your standard block
looking blocks of the month. If you prefer it as a whole kit, we can do
that for you. We will also have the first Wednesday of the month
starting in February, if you would like to come in for help and work on
the blocks. In January you will get the finishing kit as there are lots
of small blocks you can work on during the next 8 months. A block-loc
ruler is really helpful for this quilt. (I didn’t have them when I made
the quilt).

Brian Haggard’s Crazy Quilt books are here and are so inspiring. Sue
Spargo’s Creative Stitching came in last week and 18 copies flew out the
door. More will arrive right before Christmas. Get your name on the
list! It is a to die for gorgeous book with wonderful directions and
I have 5 of the blocks done for Linda’s Baskets. They are turning out to
be fun and very easy applique. Four more to do and I can put it
together. I won’t ask Linda to quilt it till after Christmas.
New real leather purse straps came this week. They are 24″ and available
in brown or black for $35.00. Check out the website as Elise has it all
on even before I hardly look it it. She is indispensable!
There are still clubs and events going on in December at the shop so
check out the classes! Have fun with your projects, remember I am
always closed December 25 and 26. Have a great holiday season. Nancy
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