Notes from Nancy
Happy New Year to all of you and thank you for the most awesome 2012 despite the small bump in the road. I spent a wonderful time with Indiana and Michigan friends bringing in the New Year and getting my hooked rug finished (almost). Just a little tweaking at Friday night rug hooking and I will be ready to photo it and get it on the floor in my bedroom. (I’ve only been at this for two years!)
The pictures of these wonderful small quilts are the first three of Prairie Women Sewing Circle number 4. Debby was set to start this in January but everyone wants to finish up projects first, so we will give you a month and start in the first Saturday or Monday evening in February. If interested, please get your name on the list. You do not have to make them in these colors. You will be able to pick your own colors. Feel free to use Jo’s fabric if you so desire.
Ronda will be teaching the Barbados Bag on Saturday, the 9th of February from 10:00-4:00. Class fee is 20.00 plus your pattern and supplies. Please sign up early if you are interested in this class and make a deposit.
Don’t forget our morning rug hooking on the 7th. and our every Friday night hooking at 5:30. There are no charges for these events unless you are a beginner and need instruction.
Stitched by Hand meets the second and fourth Tuesday mornings at 9:30 and goes till noon. Soon they will be starting a wonderful needle case. If you are not a part of this club, you can join for $15 (if you are not already a member) and $10 (if you are a member). To continue to attend the needle case class it is $3 for non-members for each additional week you come and $2 for members. You must also purchase the book and supplies from the shop.
The Saturday Crankers will meet the 26th for our monthly fun day of sewing on hand crank sewing machines. Bring a project to work on or let us pick one for you. One of us usually brings soup in the winter or hot sandwiches and everyone pitches in with a goodie. I will do this month and have sloppy jo’s.
The Wednesday Woolies is usually the last Wednesday of the month but I will be visiting my Dad at that time, so I would like to move it up a week to the 23th. If you can make it then, we would love to stitch with you. Just bring a wool project to work on. I will be madly stitching away on Tavern House which should start in February. The girls are waiting on the cotton velvet.
Until next month, Keep Stitching, Nancy
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