Notes From Nancy
As February fast approaches, I have a busy newsletter for you to read.
The Road Trip Tickets are ready for your purchase and like last year,
they are $5.00 each. You may visit the shops once each month in April,
May, and June for specials in fabric and supplies. Next week we plan to
design the small quilts. You are going to love my staff’s creative
I promised you a picture of my Rhonda Manley designed hooked rug when I
got it finished and here it is. It is the length of my rope bed and
looks so nice beside it. It has only taken me about three years but well
worth the time. Now I am ready to start a couple of small rugs in my
favorite Fall colors. I should get lots done as I am leaving for the
week-end to rug hook with my Indiana Fiber Friends. Lets hope the snow
will hold off till we get down there. I see the weather is suppose to be
nice on Sunday for the trip back home.

We all fell in love with the homespun house quilt on the cover of the
new Spring Primitive magazine. Having a nice selection of homespuns and
brushed cottons, it didn’t take long to get the fabrics together and
wools picked for all the appliques. I just got the last sunflower
appliqued on the border before starting this newsletter. Elise has taken
a picture and the kits are almost ready. This quilt makes a very nice
lap throw. Cost of the kit will be $119.00 and includes the binding.

The pictures of these wonderful small quilts are the first three of
Prairie Women Sewing Circle number 4. Debby’s classes start on Saturday
the 2nd and on Monday the 4th in the evening. If interested, please
call the shop to register. You do not have to make them in these colors.
You will be able to pick your own colors. Feel free to use Jo’s fabric
if you so desire.
Please join us for the following fun events: Open Sewing is Wednesday
the 6th, Open Rug Hooking is Monday the 11th, Hand Piecing is Tuesday
the 12th and Debby is starting the Needle Case. You don’t have to be a
member of Stitched by Hand to get in on the Needle Case. Just give us a
call. The Saturday Crankers will meet the 23rd and the Wednesday Woolies
the 27th.
I will be a vendor at the Thornapple River Rippers Quilt Guild March
16, and 17th. This will take place at the Barry Expo Center. More on
this in the March Newsletter. Until then, keep stitching…… Nancy
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