August update from THE HEN HOUSE of Charlotte…..
We have a few classes on the schedule…
*Learn basic quilt piecing. Please call or stop into the shop to sign up & for details.
*Beginning Inkle Weaving – September 19th 10 – 12 $45.
The small loom with the funny name is great for weaving belts, guitar straps, handles for tote bags, hatbands – even jewelry and wall hangings. Sewing bands together opens up still more possibilities. This beginning workshop covers selecting yarns; selecting, warping and weaving on an inkle loom; books; and project possibilities. A floor model-type inkle loom and yarn will be provided. Participants should bring with them: scissors capable of cutting yarn and note-taking materials.
*Traditional Rug Hooking with Wendy Hoard – Starting late September.
Call or email the Hen House for details.
* Stitch by Hand with Debby Kinney –
This class meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Call the Hen House for details and to sign up.
* Machine Quilting on your machine –
* Art Quilts – Use geometric shapes to design and make your own original fabric art.
While visiting The Hen House, you may want to check out our current Blocks of the Month, along with the ones we are working on for this fall and 2016.
HINT…Keep an eye on our Facebook page or stop in…
Someone will be out of the shop August 11-15.
There might be a special sale and some remodel of the shop going on….
Quilt Shows
*Capitol City Quilt Guild – Friday, September 18th & Saturday, September 19th, 10 – 5 each day, at the Summit, Dimondale
*Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters – Friday, October 9th, 10-6 & Saturday, October 10th, 10-4 @ Main Expo/Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds, 2009 Lake St., Kalamazoo
Groups… that share the day with us…
First Saturdays
Kim D’s Whatnots Group 10:00 – Noon
Hexiholics/English Paper Piecing 10:00 –
Second Mondays
Hexiholics/English Paper Piecing 10:00 –
Second & Fourth Tuesdays
Stitched by Hand 9:30-Noon
Last Wednesday of the Month
Wednesday Woolies 10:00 –
Fourth Saturdays
Saturday Crankers 10:00 – 5:00
Every Thursday
Projects in Waiting 10:00 – 7:00
The 2015 ROW by ROW Experience
The Experience is still rowing well, everyone is enjoying the fun.
Stop in and see our winning Quilt designed and sewn by Colette DeGroot

From all of us at the Hen House we hope your summer has been fun, filled with laughter, good times, great friends, relaxation and some stichin’ time. |
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