February 2016 ~ THE HEN HOUSE of Charlotte…..
Did you know…..?
Once a year on February 8th, women in Japan bring their worn and broken sewing pins and needles to the local shrine or temple and pay tribute to the tools that have served them well in the previous year.
During a memorial service, the needles are laid to rest in a block of tofu. The tofu serves to comfort, soothe, and protect the needles. In doing so, needle workers show respect for their tools, give thanks for their faithful service, and pray to improve their sewing skills in the next year.
“Pick up a needle and thread, and stitch together something particular and honest and beautiful, because we need it. I need it.” –Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life – See more at: http://www.serendipitysaoristudio.com/blog/marking-time-1714-0#sthash.WzndWAZl.dpuf
Please register and pay ahead of class date, to guarantee a spot in the class.
*Beginning quilt piecing – Learn the basic techniques for assembling a quilt top.
* Stitch by Hand with Debby Kinney – Class meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Call the Hen House for details and to sign up.
*Fabric Art Quilt – Two class session, Saturdays, February 13th & 20th. $65
Using geometric shapes, Dale will help you create and design your own original fabric art. There is some Pre class prep.
There is still room in the class.
*Spinning on a drop spindle $25 – Saturday, March 12th ~ 10:30-1:00
Class includes 4/1 ounce bags of roving, drop spindle and beginner instructions on using a drop spindle.
*Machine Quilting with your machine $35 – Thursday, March 10th 1-3 or Thursday, March 24th 5-8.
Kari will show you how to use your sewing machine to top quilt your quilts.
Upcoming class ideas TBD: Hand Quilting, Hand Applique, Weaving on a 4 harness floor loom, Rigid Heddle Weaving, Rug Hooking… Call The Hen House to get your name on a list for an upcoming class.
2016 Block of the Month Quilt Kits Available
Amish with a Twist
2015 Block of the Month Kits Available
Quilt of the Quarter
Groups… that share the day with us…
First Saturdays & Second Mondays
Hexiholics/English Paper Piecing 10:00 – ?
Third Mondays
Rug Hooking 10:00 – ?
Second & Fourth Tuesdays
Stitched by Hand 9:30-Noon
Last Wednesday of the Month
Wednesday Woolies 10:00 – ?
Every Thursday
Projects in Waiting 10:00 – 6:45
Fourth Saturdays & sometimes Fifth Saturdays
Saturday Crankers 10:00 – 5:00
Second & Fourth Saturdays
Spinning & Weaving 10-?
We invite you to stop in anytime to sit and stitch with us.
Coffee & Tea are on.
Mark your calendars for the…..
Michigan Nordic Fire Festival
Friday, February 26th – Sunday, February 28th.
Charlotte, MI
Check out their Facebook page for more details.
“Search for the Stars” Shop Hop
April 14th – 23rd
ROW BY ROW Experience 2016
Tuesday, June 21st – Tuesday, September 6th
Have you noticed the similarities between Quilting and Gardening?
How many seed catalogs do you have arriving, stacked and saved?
Are you saving egg cartons or eggshells, or other items, to start your seedlings?
Do you have raised beds or traditional?
Do you use straw or newspaper in your walkways?
Get out and enjoy a crisp walk before Spring returns.
Wishing you creative stitching.