February 2012
Notes from Nancy
I just put pictures of Jo’s new Bridgeport line of fabric (28) bolts on the website under “Whats New”. Carolyn has ½ yard bundles, fat quarter bundles, and fat 1/8 bundles all cut, stacked and ready for you to add to your stash! This is a great line.
Jo’s Little Women Club and Prairie Women Sewing Circle will be starting Saturday, February 4th, Jo’s in the morning with Debby and Prairie Women in the afternoon with Carolyn.
Be sure and check out the Classes on the website for the variety offered and the dates and times.
I have the 3 small table toppers all stitched and ready for Linda to quilt. These toppers are for the Quilter’s Road Trip that will take place the months of April, May, and June. I have been selling the punch cards already so it’s never too early to purchase one for $5.00. You may visit each shop on the list once each month for special sales and a chance for a gift certificate at the end of each month. This is a great “ bang for your buck” as you can pick and choose which shops you want to visit as there is no special prize for visiting all the shops. Each shop has a small table topper they will kit and the pattern for the toppers are $3.50 each. I happened to make 3 different color ways from the same pattern. I have added wool to the center area of my toppers. So—I will have a different kit for each of the three months. You only buy the pattern once! I will have pictures of them on the website next month.
I want to remind you to get your name on the list if you have not already done so for the Quilt Sampler magazine for Spring which will be out in May. I am told I will have them late April. This will help me decide how many magazines to order. I’m also taking orders for the quilt, American Glory, and am really excited about the bags I have ordered to hold the kit. They are MADE IN THE U.S.A. and the business is owned by WOMEN. When I find out the final price of the bag I will know how much to charge for the quilt kit. If you missed the January Newsletter, I should let you know that The Hen House is one of the 10 top featured shops in the Spring Quilt Sampler. I also will be having a party in the shop when the magazine comes and the drawing for the free kit.
Our Journey to the Past will be happening again this year in July. We will be meeting soon to decide our quilt design and the week-end dates. More on that next month.
The new Spring issue of the Primitive Quilts magazine is for sale in the shop. I have made the quilt on the cover only I substituted wool baskets and flowers for the cotton used in the magazine. I hope to have it in kit form for you by the end of the week.
We had 14 ladies hand cranking at the shop today (Saturday,Jan. 28). It’s always so much fun and we had two new-bees with their first hand-crank machines. We crank the 4th Saturday of each month. I have some great pictures in the Gallery on the website.
Most of you have picked up the My Garden Quilt block of the month. If you wanted to do this and haven’t picked yours up, let me know. I realize this has been on-going for a long time and some of you have decided to not be a part of this block of the month. I have changed the colors so when you come to get your kit, it would be a good idea if you take a picture of the block. You can always get help on Wednesday Woolies (February 22). Keep Stitching————Nancy
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